Monday, December 28, 2009

There Is No Them

Humanity is crying out for help and the re-education of the people on this planet is needed more than ever but it is going to require an extreme makeover starting with you and me. People need to wake up and take a long hard look at our society and deal. Period. Many tough questions must be asked. Tons of money must be spent on the right things because millions of children will suffer without our help. They crave direction and leadership and the first step to saving our kids is to head in the right direction. The first step of any journey can be the hardest and unfortunately most people begin in the wrong direction by looking outward instead of inward.

One must first go inward before outward, Grasshopper.

Each of us must start by looking at the one in the mirror. We ALL need to wake up! We must be honest about the reality of our United States and quit lying to ourselves about who we are. Everything is not somebody else’s fault. No more excuses like, “I didn’t own slaves,” or “I didn’t vote for them,” or “I'm not a Southerner," or “I’m not from there,” or "That’s their problem,” or “I don’t care about them,” or " I am not a teabagger," or "They are all terrorists," and worse of all, “I hate them.”

Well, newsflash here, there is no them.

We are all human beings and until we realize that we are all responsible for the weakest and most uninformed at the bottom of our social and economic ladder then we will continue to be mired in poverty, ignorance, cruelty, violence, and hypocrisy. Until the powerful are held accountable, we will repeat our mistakes. And if you own a container of loose change then you are one of the powerful because that spare change makes you wealthier than billions of people around the world. Its time for us to think globally and act locally and it starts with educating yourself.

We are them and them is us.

The start of any revolution happens when a single individual is open to new, empowering information and takes it to heart and acts. Self-education is a revolt against the status quo and it’s a big step in recovering our democracy. Each child is another chance to help us shake our nation out of its guilty indifference. Each adult who commits to being a lifetime learner is an act of courage and an adult model that sets the foundation for us to re-build the country. It happens one mind at a time – starting with you and me.

We are them and them is us.

Things like empathy, culture, and social justice, just to name a few, are the focus and agenda of the writings and teachings of A/WAR/E. We hope to become monumental in the fight against becoming another uninformed, disenfranchised citizen or another victim of unfulfilled dreams. It’s time for us to become aware. It’s time to connect. It's time to act.

We are them and them is us.

Think about this. The Grand Canyon started with just one drop of water and if you’ve ever seen the Grand Canyon then you know how amazing and awe-inspiring this fact is. The New One Drop Theory, which supposes each person as a drop of water, is powerful because by itself, that little drop will dry up and lose any power that it might possess. But if that tiny drop joins with other drops of water it can move the earth. Powerful indeed. Imagine if we committed, connected and worked together. In reality there is no enemy, no bad guys because in fact...

We are them and them is us.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMAZING and very true! Thanks for shaking up the branches and forcing us to look in the mirror!